Hearing Not Canceled

May 10, 2018

Montgomery, AL – Recent media reports have indicated Judith Ann Neelley has waived or
attempted to waive parole. These reports follow communications reportedly received from Ms. Neelley
and her counsel to various media representatives, expressing her desire to have the Board of Pardons and Paroles cancel her May 23, 2018 parole hearing. For the sake of making necessary clarification to the public and all involved stakeholders, including those who have received official hearing notifications from the Board, the Board reports that no official waiver process has occurred in her case as would be required for the Board to give effect to Ms. Neelley’s expressed intentions. Unless and until the required waiver process is completed by Ms. Neelley, the Board will move forward with conducting her scheduled hearing and will consider Ms. Neelley for parole like any other parole eligible inmate.