MONTGOMERY – On Tuesday, the Changing the Course Art by the Currently & Formerly Incarcerated exhibition event was held at the Alabama Department of Archives and History in Montgomery. Media, stakeholders, legislators and other interested parties attended educational event featuring food, drinks, music and the works of the artists. Attendees also learned more about the Bureau’s rehabilitation programs, as well as the efforts of our event and community partners. The event was a success, with a high turnout from participants eager to see the art from Alabama’s justice-involved individuals.
Speakers at the exhibition included Alabama Department of Corrections Deputy Division Director of Women’s Services Dr. Kelley Mautz, Ingram State Technical College President Annette Funderburk, Alabama Department of Mental Health Commissioner Kim Boswell, Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project Program Coordinator Shaelyn Smith, AHAH Museum Division Director John Hardin, and Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles Director Cam Ward.
A video with event partners, partner programs, Bureau programs, interviews with artists, and a tour of some of the art is available here.
Changing the Course: Art by the Currently and Formerly Incarcerated features works of art created by individuals in Alabama’s prisons, transitional homes, and day reporting centers. There is still time to see the exhibit, which will be on display at 624 Washington Avenue in Montgomery until April 15. Admission to the exhibit is free, and ADAH is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
The Bureau would like to thank our event partners – ADOC, Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project, ISTC, ADAH and ADMH – along with the Alabama Community College System, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and all event participants for making this exhibition possible.