Parole Decisions for Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 21 parole hearings Tuesday, granting three paroles and denying 18. The Board also held 12 hearings on requests for pardons, granting eight and denying four. Parole HearingsGrant: 3Deny: 18 Pardon HearingsGrant: 8Deny: 4 The hearing minutes document for this date is now available here. The list below … Read more

Parole Decisions for Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 19 parole hearings Thursday, March 10, granting three paroles and denying 16. The Board also held 11 hearings on requests for pardons, granting six and denying five.  Parole HearingsGrant: 3Deny: 16 Pardon HearingsGrant: 6Deny: 5Continue: 2 The hearing minutes document for this date is now available here. … Read more

Geneva Field Office Moves to Larger, More Functional Building

GENEVA, Ala – This month, the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles Geneva Field Office completed moving to a larger, more functional building. The previous office was smaller, with limited parking spaces making it more difficult for probationers and parolees to access Bureau services and complete required monthly office visits. The new office, which is … Read more

Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Programs Focus of March Reentry Commission Meeting

On Tuesday, March 15, leaders from State of Alabama entities met for the monthly Commission on Reentry meeting. The Commission focused on rehabilitation programs, welcoming multiple guests and continuing to encourage interested parties to view the Changing the Course art exhibition. The exhibition is on display until April 15, located in the Alabama Department of … Read more

Parole Decisions for Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 17 parole hearings Wednesday, granting one parole and denying 16. The Board also held 13 hearings on requests for pardons, granting nine and denying four. Parole HearingsGrant: 1Deny: 16 Pardon HearingsGrant: 9Deny: 4Continue: 1 The hearing minutes document for this date is now available here. The list … Read more

Parole Decisions for Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 18 parole hearings Tuesday, granting one parole and denying 17. The Board also held 13 hearings on requests for pardons, granting seven and denying six. Parole HearingsGrant: 1Deny: 17 Pardon HearingsGrant: 7Deny: 6 The hearing minutes document for this date is now available here. The list below … Read more

Art Exhibition Featuring Pieces from Currently and Formerly Incarcerated a Success

MONTGOMERY – On Tuesday, the Changing the Course Art by the Currently & Formerly Incarcerated exhibition event was held at the Alabama Department of Archives and History in Montgomery. Media, stakeholders, legislators and other interested parties attended educational event featuring food, drinks, music and the works of the artists. Attendees also learned more about the … Read more

Parole Decisions for Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 19 parole hearings Thursday, March 10, granting two paroles and denying 17. The Board also held seven hearings on requests for pardons, granting three and denying four.  Parole HearingsGrant: 2Deny: 17 Pardon HearingsGrant: 3Deny: 4 The hearing minutes document for this date is now available here. The … Read more